Balkan Spring

Friday, May 17, 2019

A festive party in a spacious dance hall to celebrate spring
and wrap up the first season of Balkan Monday workshops

Ukrainian Hall
405 Fairmount W. (at Hutchison)
Montreal, H2V 4B4

6:45 pm – 8:00 pm: practice for singers and instrumentalists 8:00 pm - 10:30 pm: dancing



For the folkothèque Benôit, Jocelyne, Monika, and Yves have chosen the following 10 dances from the repertoire they taught during the past season:

Sergiu and Yves 269 px wide.jpg

Our dance teachers, and others, will lead the dances, but will not teach them.

Sergiu Popa will lead the live music and singing.

Instrumentalists and singers can practice with Sergiu between 6:45 pm and 8:00 pm.

Follow the links above for scores, lyrics, etc.

Bring some food and drink to enjoy and share with others,

How are we doing? We welcome your feedback.
